
How To Tell A Story: Secrets To Writing Captivating Fiction

Is writing a fiction novel your dream? Perhaps you are confused about the writing process no matter how many books you read. Don’t worry; this is a common occurrence to most writers. Writing fiction can be overwhelming, but it will become easier when you master the craft, and your book may even become a bestseller, like ‘File Under: 13 Suspicious Incidents’ by Daniel Handler. Below are a few secrets to writing captivating fiction.

Love And Own Your Story

Writers have many stories in their minds waiting to be fleshed out. However, there is always one story that you love and are more passionate about. That is the story to start writing. Start investing in the characters and plot of your best fiction and watch it become a reality.

Understand Why You Want to Write Fiction

Before you start writing, it’s worth taking a moment to understand what you are doing as a writer. Ask yourself why you want to write that book and how much you want it to succeed. Do you want your fiction to change people’s lives, or your goal Is to make an income? Asking yourself such questions will determine what you will write about and if the results will make you happy.

Keep It Simple

If you want to make it easy for your audience to read your book, keep it simple. Keeping it simple will also get your story across, especially if you are writing children’s fiction books. You must write in a language that they will understand. A succinct language will ensure your audience gets your message. In his book, ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’, award-winning author Daniel Handler keeps his audience engaged in an easy yet clear language. This has made him become one of the best children’s book authors.

Use Active Voice

If you want to keep your readers engaged from the beginning to the end, always use an active voice in your book. Ensure that you follow the basic structure of nouns-verbs-objects. Although it’s not wrong to use passive voice, you should limit it in fiction stories.

Take Breaks If Necessary

Writing can be mentally exhausting. You may suffer writer’s block now and then. When this happens, take a break from your computer and engage in other activities. You can change your environment to get your blood flowing and ignite ideas. Proceed with writing after you feel better, energized, and ready for the task.

Writing fiction requires dedication and a lot of hard work. However, you can make the process easier by following the tips mentioned above.

Mahir Garth

The author Mahir Garth